Not on Our Watch TX (Texas) - logo on top of kids collage image

Please follow us on social media for the latest tips, action steps, and information you need to know to keep your children safe online.

We cannot protect against what we are not aware of.

Did you know that between 2018 and 2022 the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) saw a 567% increase in reports relating to sexual enticement of a child?

Not on Our Watch Texas (NOWTX) is rallying all women in business to raise awareness of online abuse, exploitation, and sextortion to help protect children and youth. It will take all of us to educate our families, schools, churches, and other communities on how to defend our children from online predators.

Most parents think they can keep their children safe from predators who are “out there.” But most parents don’t realize these abusers are not “out there,” increasingly, they are inside our children’s bedrooms, via smartphones, computers, & gaming devices. The smartphone is the new white van.

This project is an initiative of:
Texas Women in Business

The NOWTX Vision:
A Texas where children are free from abuse and exploitation.

The NOWTX Mission:
Our mission is to secure a brighter future for Texas by providing education, resources, and support to prevent child sexual abuse and exploitation.

For more information:

NOWTX Panel Event

June 25th, 2024 | 1:00-3:00 pm


Stay tuned for a new date!

Houston, TX
(Due to limited seating, location will be shared upon registration)

Live Event Panel / Speakers

Our Expert Panel Includes:

Please LisaBeth "LB" Thomas and Andrea Sparks along with:

Deborah Berry – Author, The Tech Trap

Lt. Fred Croft – Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce Commander

Dr. Cynthia Catchings – Psychotherapist/Adjunct Professor

Belinda Beltrán Swan, MPAFF – Partnership Program Manager, National Center for Missing and Exploited Chilldren

PAST EVENT – Austin Live Stream

September 7, 2023

Friends of NOWTX

Thank you to all of our supporters!

Please visit our partners:

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
As the nation’s nonprofit clearinghouse and comprehensive reporting center for all issues related to the prevention of and recovery from child victimization, NCMEC leads the fight against abduction, abuse, and exploitation – because every child deserves a safe childhood. Hope is why we’re here.

NCMEC’s CyberTipline receives reports regarding suspected child sexual exploitation, including “sextortion,” a new online exploitation crime directed towards children in which non-physical forms of coercion are used, such as blackmail, to acquire sexual content from the child, engage in sex with the child, or obtain money from the child.

NCMEC’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children. The public and electronic service providers can make reports of suspected online enticement of children for sexual acts, extra-familial child sexual molestation, child pornography, child sex tourism, child sex trafficking, unsolicited obscene materials sent to a child, misleading domain names, and misleading words or digital images on the internet.

Take It Down
This service is one step you can take to help remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before you were 18.